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Alma Studio was born from the more than thirty years of professional experience of Dr. Alberto Matteazzi, graduated with full marks cum laude in Economics in Verona and later in Law at the University of Bologna.


The mix of legal-business knowledge allowed him, first at the Carrucciu and Trivellin's law firm, then at the Adacta Associated Firm and more recently at the SIC Integrated Firm, to respond to clients  problems from the double economic-legal perspective, without the need for further recourse to external legal consultants.


The in-depth studies that accomplished during his professional career, both as an auxiliary of justice (bankruptcy trustee, judicial commissioner, as well as techical-legal judicial consultant ) and as a financial advisor and, more recently, as a speaker at specialized conferences, have allowed Dr. Matteazzi to develop, specifically, a particular expertise in business crisis, which, also due to the recent reform of the Crisis Code, is of help to the entrepreneur who needs support and consultancy in times of difficulty of the company.


Operational solutions complete the professional background , who, driven by the search for new professional stimuli and guided by a team of expert professionals following him, decided to found Alma Studio, a name formed by the acronym of Alberto Matteazzi.


The firm, which has in his structure qualified personnel and collaborators, in September 2021 moved definitively to the modern and functional location of Contrà San Marco 25, in the heart of Vicenza, to offer its services to customers in the best possible way.


It can also rely on the external collaboration of some of the most important law firms in the city.


Alma Studio

Contrà San Marco, 25 - 36100, Vicenza


© Copyright 2020

Phone: +39 0444 235110

P.IVA  03935780241

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